The Research Team

Professor Elżbieta M. Goździak
Social anthropologist and migration scholar. Research Professor at the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) at Georgetown University (2002-2018). Former editor of International Migration. George Soros Chair of Public Policy at the Central European University (CEU) (Fall 2016).
e-mail: emg27@georgetown.edu

Larysa Sugay
Public health expert, health educator, and physiotherapist.Doctoral student in the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology at Adam Mickiewicz U.
e-mail larysa.sugay@amu.edu.pl

Katarzyna ByÅ‚ów
Social anthropologist, serves as a post-doctoral researcher on this project. Research agenda includes children and education.​
e-mail katarzyna.bylow@amu.edu.pl

Professor Izabella Main
Director of the Centre for Migration Studies (CeBaM). Social anthropologist and historian, faculty member of the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Former Fulbright Scholar in the United States​
e-mail: imain@amu.edu.pl

Wiktoria Moritz-Leśniak
Psychologist, PhD candidate at at Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
email: wikmor@amu.edu.pl

Center for Migration Studies
Funded in 2009 to bring together AMU researchers interested in international migration in an effort to carry out joint research projects with a particular focus on migration in western Poland..