Elżbieta M. Goździak writes about upcoming conferences our team members will be attending

If you think academics have long summers when they do nothing, think again.... Summer ushers us into some important migration conferences. We will be chairing sessions, presenting papers, and serving as discussants.
Conference for doctoral students

Larysa has just attended an online conference for current doctoral students. She presented a paper entitled Polski system edukacji wobec dzieci z doświadczeniem migracyjnym: między (nie)zmiennością a (nie)elastycznością (Polish educational system and children with migration background: between (in)variability and (in)flexibility). The presentation will serve as a basis for one of her articles to be submitted as part of her doctoral dissertations.

Elżbieta is getting ready to hop on a plane and go to Lisbon to attend the annual conference of IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network).
She tried to be green and travel to Portugal by train, but the journey would take many hours and involve several trains and buses.....
Elżbieta will chair a hybrid session she organized Bordering and othering refugee and migrant children and youth. The session includes papers by Patrizia Rinaldi (University of Granada) and Giovanna Filosa (INAPP), Filippo Nereo (Keele University), and Elżbieta M. Goździak (Adam Mickiewicz University) and Anzhela Popyk (SWPS University). Elżbieta and Anzhela's paper on Navigating and negotiating borders in primary and secondary education. Ukrainian children in Polish schools has been recently accepted for publication in Human Organization, a flagship journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) and is slated for the September 2024 issue. Elżbieta will also serve as a discussant on a panel organized by Jacob Lind and Joanna Dreby entitled Enduring migratory precarity over time and across generations.
Keep an eye on the IMISCOE program to check the room number or access to online participation for both sessions.
XIII Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN

The title of the conference is Migranci we współczesnym świecie: sprawiedliwość, solidarność, inkluzja (Migrants in the contemporary world: justice, solidarity, and inclusion). The konference is organized by the Jagiellonian University and will take place in Cracow on September 23-25, 2024.
Most of the team members will be participating. Elżbieta will chair a session she co-organized with professor Mikołaj Pawlak of the Warsaw University on Children and Childhoods in Empirical Research. Katarzyna will be presenting a paper on Preparation of migrant children to learn in Polish schools: Assumptions, goals, and experiences. Izabella will chair a session of her own on integration policy at the local level. Wiktoria will present a paper stemming from our resarch entitled Spaces of integration: The parents' perspective, in which she analyzes integration strategies.